In response to Raggedy Angst...
I used to hate loaning out Tupperware - you know when you send someone home with leftovers. But now we have the disposable type for leftovers and I could care less if someone returns it. We also have really nice Tupperware that is made of glass. I don't like microwaving plastic even if it was meant for that. I feel like it might be toxic.
I also don’t loan out books unless I am OK with not getting them back. Unless it is to a book lover like Bladio that I KNOW will be careful with it and give it back.
Money – if you loan money you have to expect to never get it back.
Oooo, Tupperware, good one. That disposable stuff is probably most used for "third party leftovers".
Tupperware! Of course! That's a great one. Oddly, no one ever seems to want leftovers from my kitchen, nifty containers notwithstanding . . .
that reminds me! i need to return your book! ack!
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