Tuesday, April 10, 2007

An IM converstation I had with a friend today...

Background: I was shopping online for her wedding shower gift and this is the (slightly edited, see *'s and #'s) IM conversation:

Ash: what size undies do you wear?
Ash: sorry - odd question!
Friend: it depends from where
Ash: but I am ordering your shower gift
Friend: im laughing over here
Friend: M
Friend: best bet M
Ash: ok - thanks!
Ash: M is for a ## or ## inch waist
Ash: that's your size right?
Friend: yeah
Friend: that works
Ash: ok
Ash: you won't wear them for long anyways ;)
Friend: :)
Friend: nice
Ash: and they have some extra room cause their crotchless!
Ash: LOL
Friend: what???
Friend: how funny
Friend: ***** (future husband) will love you
Ash: I know!
Ash: :)


NuclearToast said...

I just hope your mom reads this blog.

Shannon Perry said...

It's hard to be subtle when you're buying someone crotchless underwear. But then again, is subtle really the point?